Hungarian Society of Urology

Gender affirmation metoidioplasty in female to male gender dysphoria – results of six patients

DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2019.1.bordasn.8

Bordás Noémi dr.1,2, Vladimir Kojovic dr.2, Marta Bizic dr.2, Borko Stojanovic dr.2, Miroslav L. Djordjevic dr.2
1Kiskunhalasi Semmelweis Kórház, Urológiai osztály, Kiskunhalas (osztályvezető: Holman Endre dr.)
2Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery, Belgrád, Szerbia (osztályvezető: Miroslav L. Djordjevic dr.)


Objectives: Metoidioplasty represents a technique for creating a neophallus from clitoris, in female to male (FtM) transsexuals. This article provides an overview of methods and the indications, possible complications, essential steps of the metoidioplasty procedure, our Hungarian patients’ results and some aspects of postoperative care.
Material and methods: Between 2014 and 2018 six Hungarian patients were operated by our surgical team. Belgrade type metoidioplasty were performed in all cases. Surgical inclusion criteria of Standards of Care Version 7 of World Professional Association for Transgender Health were followed.
Results: Mean follow up was 26 months (range from 4 to 56 months). Mean hospitalization was 3 days (range from 2 to 5 days). All patients had good postoperative outcomes, preserved sensation of the neophallus, and they all void in standing position. Rate of urethral fistula was 33%.
Conclusion: Metoidioplasty can be a good alternative of total phalloplasty in selected patients. As a one-stage procedure, Belgrade metoidioplasty includes lengthening and straightening of the clitoris to make a neophallus, urethral reconstruction to enable voiding while standing, and scrotal reconstruction with insertion of testicular implants.

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