DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2020.4.fehera.147
Fehér Ádám Miklós dr., Bajory Zoltán dr.
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Klinikai Központ, Urológiai Klinika,
Szeged (igazgató: Bajory Zoltán dr.)
Objective: Surgical removal of the testicle – semicastration – is indicated in the case of malignancy or severe testicular injury. Sometimes, patient-caused self-injury can lead to loss of the testicle.
Case report: According to our patient’s report, he removed his left testicle at home due to scrotal pain and the fear of testicular cancer. Physical examination was doubtful. On the left side signs of hematoma or advanced testicular cancer were shown by ultrasonography. During explorative surgery the previous one was proven. After the surgery the patient was admitted to the Psychiatric Clinic.
Conclusion: After scrotal trauma, if the diagnosis is doubtful or serious injury is supposed, surgical exploration is needed. In the case of an attitude for self-injury, psychiatric evaluation is required.