Hungarian Society of Urology

The role of transurethral microwave thermotherapy in the treatment of male non-neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms

DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2020.1.pytela.19

Pytel Ákos dr.
Pécsi Tudományegyetem ÁOK KK, Urológiai Klinika, Pécs (igazgató: Szántó Árpád dr.)


Introduction: In the treatment of the lower urinary tract symptoms of various aetiology and origin, several approaches are used. For the past 40 years several data have been published regarding transurethral thermotherapy.
Material and methods: A literature search was performed for review articles and guidelines relevant to transurethral thermotherapy. Published data in BPH/LUTS and chronic abacterial prostatitis/CPPS were analysed respectively. Published data about special indication field (frail elderly population, and young population with priority desire for sexual function preservation) were analysed.
Results: Regarding the published data transurethral thermotherapy was well tolerated, effective and safe treatment option in BPH/LUTS and in chronic abacterial prostatitis/CPPS patients as well. Thermotherapy could be offered for frail elderly population and for patient with special desire for sexual function preservation as well.
Conclusion: High energy transurethral microwave therapy with proper indication is a minimal invasive, safe, effective procedure adherent to relevant guidelines in the treatment of the non-neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms in male.


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