Presentation of a rare case of inverted papilloma
DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2020.4.szalontaij.151
Szalontai János dr. 1 , Kulka Janina dr.2, Riesz Péter dr.1
1Semmelweis Egyetem, Urológiai Klinika és Uroonkológiai Centrum, Budapest (igazgató: Nyirády Péter dr.)
2Semmelweis Egyetem, II. sz. Pathológiai Intézet, Budapest (igazgató: Kiss András dr.)
Inverted papilloma is a rare benign tumor of urothelial origin. Its etiological factors are still unknown. It most commonly occurs in the bladder, but can also develop in the renal pelvis, ureters, and urethra. Several Hungarian review articles have been published on inverted papilloma, but they report on inverted urothelial papilloma in the bladder. In connection with the description of a 5 cm long inverted papilloma located in the ureter in an elderly male patient, we would like to draw attention to this entity.