Hungarian Society of Urology

Advanced wound care in urology

DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2021.4.horvathb.171

Horváth Bálint dr., Pytel Ákos dr., Szántó Árpád dr.
PTE KK, Urológiai Klinika, Pécs (igazgató: Szántó Árpád dr.)


Major uro-oncologic procedures involve extensively to the body cavities, often with the simultaneous opening of the urinary and intestinal tract. Therefore, the healing of these wounds is not optimal in many cases. Not only the wound infections can be problematic – with a percent of 8-12% in urology – but wound separation, skin, fatty tissue and fascia necrosis can also occur. Applying modern wet wound treatment instead of traditional dry one has been shown to stimulate and accelerate wound healing by protecting the wound from dehydration, infection and actively promote healing. More and more new wound care substances and modern dressings are developed by the firms. These include the use of negative pressure wound care and the use of intelligent dressings (alginates, impregnated sheets, film and polymeric dressings, foams, antiseptic hydrocolloids, hydrogels, island dressings, absorbent wound pads). Modern wound care procedures play a significant role in the care of urological patients. Unfortunately, according to the current regulation the urologists are not entitled to subsidized prescribe of wound dressings. The Hungarian Profession of Urologists has applied to the Ministry of Health to re-regulate the bandage prescribing rules.


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