Palliative care of patients with advanced bladder cancer
DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2024.2.rumil.75
Rumi László dr.1, Boronkai Árpád dr.2
1Pécsi Tudományegyetem KK, Urológiai Klinika, Pécs (igazgató: Szántó Árpád dr.)
2Pécsi Tudományegyetem KK, Onkoterápiás Intézet, Pécs (igazgató: Mangel László dr.)
Palliative care is provided to patients who suffer from a serious, life-shortening illness and the illness either does not respond to curative treatments, or the patient’s general condition, co-morbidities, or advanced oncological status do not allow for definitive care.
In addition to the general physical and mental symptoms, the most common conditions requiring intervention are upper urinary tract obstruction, haematuria, dysuria pain.
The palliative – supportive care of that patients is a complex, multidisciplinary challenge requiring the conjoined work of several specialists.
The aim of care is to achieve the best possible quality of life, relieve symptoms, and solve psychological, social and spiritual problems.