Thoughts on the rare fatal complications of renal surgery (with literature review)
DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2024.4.balinti.189
Bálint István Bence dr.1, Erdődi Bence Tamás dr.1, Parti Krisztina dr.2, Flórián Zoltán dr.1, Peszleg Norbert dr.3, Paukovics Diána dr.1, Tair Haissam dr.1
1Nagykanizsai Kanizsai Dorottya Kórház, Urológiai Osztály, Nagykanizsa
(osztályvezető: Flórián Zoltá dr.)
2Nagykanizsai Kanizsai Dorottya Kórház, Általános Sebészeti Osztály, Nagykanizsa
(osztályvezető főorvos: Orbán Lajos dr.)
3Nagykanizsai Kanizsai Dorottya Kórház, Intenzív Osztály, Nagykanizsa
(osztályvezető: Peszleg Norbert dr.)
Introduction: It is difficult to assess the clinical investigation of rare, fatal complications, primarily within a randomized controlled framework, especially by RCTs. Renal surgery is dated back to long history. It has been seriously evolved during the past centuries and can be performed safely nowadays however there are still some challenges.
Material and methods: We present the case of two patients in our work (a 84 years old man underwent complex endourological and right sided laparoscopic ureteronephrectomy and a left sided open ureteroneprectomy performed on a 74 years old woman). Fatal complication occurred in each patient however none of them was related to surgery. Arteriosclerosis was the cause of the complications. Mesenterial necrosis occurred in the male patient and the necrosis of the soliter kidney based on the failure of arterial blood flow resulted in the death of woman. A brief literature review has been performed to assess the occurrence of known complications of renal surgery and their relation to our observations.
Conclusion: In conclusion, it is essential to closely monitor the patients tight and access them by a multidisciplinary-holistic manner after renal surgery similarly to any abdominal operation, thus complications could be managed appropriately in time.