Hungarian Society of Urology

The presence of microRNAs in kidney tumors and their possible diagnostic-prognostic role

DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2016.4.szegedik.183

1Szabó Zsuzsanna dr., Halmos Gábor dr. (Debreceni Egyetem, Gyógyszerésztudományi Kar, Biofarmácia Tanszék, Debrecen (director: Halmos Gábor dr.))
2Szegedi Krisztián dr., Flaskó Tibor dr. (Debreceni Egyetem, Klinikai Központ, Urológiai Klinika, Debrecen (director: Flaskó Tibor dr.))

Renal cell carcinoma accounts for approximately 3% of cancers in adults as well as 85% of all primary malignant kidney tumours. It is the third most common urological cancer after prostate and bladder cancer, but it has the highest mortality rate of more than 40%. Apart from surgery, it is both chemotherapy and radiotherapy resistant. Early detection and appropriate follow-up of the patients may influence the prognosis of the disease. It is necessary, therefore, to improve our understanding of renal cell carcinoma pathogenesis, identify new biomarkers enabling prediction of early metastasis after nephrectomy, and develop new targeted therapies.
MicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNAs that have an important role in the regulation of carcinogenesis pathways. Tumour tissue expresses miRNAs differentially compared to corresponding normal tissue, and they regulate important breakpoints during carcinogenesis. There is increasing evidence in the literature suggesting that they might be associated with the development of renal cell carcinoma, and the expression profiles of miRNAs are believed to be more informative and accurate for classifying kidney cancer. In the future some of them can be potential novel biomarker candidates for the diagnosis and treatment of human cancers including renal cell carcinoma. In this paper we aimed to summarize the information about the functional role of miRNAs in the development of renal cell carcinoma.

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