Difficulties in the distinguish between in situ carcinoma and interstitial cystitis of the bladder based on 5 cases
DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2020.2.becsia.64
Bécsi Áron dr.1, Nyirády Péter dr.1, Székely Eszter dr.2, Majoros Attila dr.1
1Semmelweis Egyetem, Urológiai Klinika és Uroonkológiai Centrum, Budapest (igazgató: Nyirády Péter dr.)
2Semmelweis Egyetem, II. sz. Patológiai Intézet, Budapest (igazgató: Kiss András dr.)
Introduction: The clinical presentation of carcinoma in situ (CIS) and interstitial cystitis (IC) can be quite similar, but the two diseases require completely different treatment. Making the right diagnosis can be difficult ultimately the histopathologic sample from the suspicious lesion of the bladder can give us the correct answer. In this paper we present five cases in which the similarities and differences of these two diseases are pointed out. To assure safe and best possible treatment for the future patients with such symptoms we suggest some practical diagnostic recommendations.
Case reports (patients and method, results): Five cases are presented with the typical symptoms of IC, but the histopathological findings proved CIS. According to the histological diagnosis the patients received oncological treatment according the European Association Urological Guideline.
Conclusion: Although IC and CIS can present similar lower urinary symptoms, it is essential to distinguish the two diseases. The two diseases require completely different treatment. Treating CIS as if it was IC by mistake can lead to the progression of bladder cancer, therefore risking the lives of our patients. Taking histological sample is essential for the accurate diagnosis. In authors’ opinion before starting invasive treatment for IC suspect patients biopsy of the urinary bladder is necessary, for the exclusion of the CIS.