Hungarian Society of Urology

Experiences and results obtained with laparoscopic radical cystectomy at our department

DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2024.1.nemethm.33

Németh Máté dr., Kerényi Gábor dr., Szepesváry Zsolt Jenő dr.
Petz Aladár Egyetemi Oktató Kórház, Urológiai Osztály, Győr (osztályvezető: Szepesváry Zsolt Jenő dr.)


Bladder cancer is the eleventh most common cancer worldwide, the seventh among men. Radical cystectomy is the procedure of choice for the treatment of muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma in muscle-invasive and in selected non-muscle-invasive cases. The procedure can be done by open surgery or minimally invasive (laparoscopic or robotic surgery) method. Due to the high risk of complications and high patient stress, the minimally invasive approach has gained ground.
We have been performing laparoscopic radical cystectomy at the Department of Urology of Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital in Győr since 2014. After the introduction of the method, data from 63 patients were processed from January 2017 to May 2023. Oncology results and complication rates were consistent with data available in international literature.
Laparoscopic radical cystectomy is a safe treatment for advanced urothelial carcinoma, with similar oncological results and faster recovery than open surgery. In centrums with large laparoscopic volumes, after a short period of learning curve, surgery can be performed in experienced hands in the same way as open cystectomy. Its introduction until robotic assisted surgeries become widespread, based on selected patient material, can reduce patient stress and complication rate.


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