Hungarian Society of Urology

Retrocaval (circumcaval) ureter – treated by laparoscopic surgery

DOI: 10.22591/magyurol.2024.2.wijesinghei.90

Wijesinghe Ivor dr., Hencz Lajos dr., Máté Zsolt dr.
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Vármegyei Központi Kórház és Egyetemi Oktatókórház, Urológiai Osztály, Miskolc (osztályvezető: Máté Zsolt dr.)


Introduction: Introduction: Retrocaval (circumcaval) ureter is a rare lesion, that occurs as a result of abnormal development of the inferior vena cava. Compression of the right ureter may cause varying degrees of dilatation of the renal pelvis.
Case report: The authors present the case of a 40-year-old male patient, who was evaluated for long-standing right side lumbar pain. The retrocaval ureter diagnosis was made possible by CT urography. Renal scintigraphy confirmed good renal function, and organ-preserving surgery was performed. During laparoscopic surgery, the right pyeloureteral junction and the dilated renal pelvis were resected via a transperitoneal approach, and finally an anastomosis was created between the pyelon and the distal ureter in the appropriate position. 5 years after surgery, the patient was free of complaints; good excretion, minimal dilatation of the cavity system, and unobstructed drainage were confirmed on a follow-up CT examination.
Conclusion: Based on the available literature and the authors’ initial experience, laparoscopic surgery could be safe and effective treatment for retrocaval ureter.


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